What is actual Network Marketing? What do the majority of millionaires and high-income network marketing professionals do to achieve their goals so much faster than others with far less effort and struggle? Figures show that a paint by numbers method
won’t get you the network marketing success you’re looking for. Books and courses can help with the basics - but sometimes they may do more harm than good - adding to the confusion rather than bringing clarity and control. When it comes to really mastering a subject and implementing it successfully - like human interaction in network marketing - over 80% of what you need to know can’t be found in a book. Like becoming a champion athlete, the professional network marketer knows he or she not only needs someone with the expertise and experience to coach them, but someone with the ability to bring out the very best performance consistently.
As Brynne Daniel (Arbonne) said :-
“Most network marketing training programs give you vague advice and send you on your way. It sounds good on the surface but lacks the detail and depth you really need to get going. Once you start it’s like pulling a thread on a sweater - if you’re not careful everything falls apart.
“Leaders Club actually gives me the opportunity to ask questions, tough questions, about my business. In return, I get real, thoughtful answers and solutions that I can put to use right away. Then, the next week I can do it all over again and solve each problem as it occurs.”
Get Your Coaching By Certified Experts, Not Amateurs
You can be confident that a Leaders Club Coach is a professional marketer who has personally achieved the marketing success you are trying to attain. Moreover, because marketing always changes, a Leaders Club Coach must remain an active marketer in advertising and prospecting to remain on our merit based roster. This is different from most other network marketing coaching programs - where anyone and everyone calls themselves a coach. Leaders Club won’t present you with copycats, posers, or newbies just two weeks ahead of you. Our coaches and trainers are real proven leaders responsible for millions in sales and commissions.
We’ll Help You Tackle ANY Challenge...
Tiens formula for success goes way beyond just being unique. After all, if you’re competing with thousands, even millions of other networkers in public media (like YouTube, Twitter, etc.) you will always struggle to compete for those few top spots.
Another more realistic and profitable option is in knowing how to sidestep those competitors by learning how to spot genuine prospects and connect with them based on their “Primary Want” (a unique Tianshi approach proven to work better!) and a powerfulValue Proposition.
“I appreciate the fact that the president and leaders of this company really get involved - from doing training, talking with the students, and really trying to make Tianshi as dynamic as possible. No information product, such as Mike Dillard's Traffic Formula 2.0 which I am going through right now, can provide anything like that.” - Ted Stanowski (Prepaid Legal)
Tianshi methods are valuable precisely because they require skill (which we help you get through our coaching) and because most people simply don’t have the drive, focus or discipline to truly develop that skill. As a Tianshi member, this gives you a genuine competitive advantage!
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