Tiens products are selling in over 190 countries world wide. due to different cultural background, the product packing design of one country is different from the others but the product quality efficacious remain constant. In order to have uniform promotion, this literature can't show all our product packing worldwide. The emphasis is to explain to you the basic and special benefits of TIENS products and hope that they are beneficial for your understanding of our products. TIENS introduced world first super market method in network marketing. TIENS produced 1100 products in which, Functional Food, Dietary supplements, Health & Longevity Products, Beauty & Fitness Products, Personal care, Skin care Makeup, Fragrance, Landry detergent, Household Cleaners. some of them is shown below:-
(Imunne system / cordyceps)
500mg * 100 capsules
for generalized weakness
Known best to solve the respiratory problems. It has widespread antibacterial and therapeutic effects. It acts best in diseases like asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other pulmonary disorders. It also enhances the immune system. Provides the appropriate control for those suffering from overactive immune system. It is a natural source of antibiotic. Controls chronic diseases like pneumonia, streprococei and numerous viral diseases. It contains a particular antibiotic known as cordcepin which controls Tuberculosis. It dilates the blood vessels and this way provides proper circulation to heart and lungs. It is very helpful in relieving chest pain. It overcomes oxygen deficiency and relieves fatigue and anxiety. It provides peace, reduces level of lipids in blood and protects body from harmful tumors. Many clinical researches have confirmed that TONG CHONG CAO possesses unique features for combating diseases. Highly effected for respiratory diseases, hepatitis cirrhosis, tumors etc... Having no adverse effects.
Formulated bu modem technology.
Nourishes Kidneys, Lings, and enhances vitality and improves health. Completely non toxic and provides excellent results, promotes physical and mental balance and restores the normal function of organs. Regulates Immune system and prevents coerciveness as well as other tumors. Provides immediate relief from fatigue. Causing substances within the muscles, act as an antioxidizing of anti fatigue agent. Prevents cholesterol deposition in vessels, heart disease capable of dilating blood vessels, increase skin blood circulation leaving the skin young and glamorous.
Each capsules contain: Cordyceps sinuses (Berk) Sacc 500mg
How to use: Take 2 capsules 2 tomes daily.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
Calcium (1)
10g*10 sachets
derived from Mongolian cow's soine. Every sachet of 100g contains more than 400mg of clear and unpolluted calcium which can be easily absorbed into our membrane cell, high in bio availability. International standard ratio 2:3 for calcium and phosphate. Rich in proteins, amino acids, Vitamins and micro elements.100% pure doesn't contain preservatives, and it is tasty. High complex calcium supplement.
Take one sachet 1-2 times a day mix with warm water 60 degree C - 70 degree C or with other food.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
Calcium (1)
10g*10 sachets
derived from Mongolian cow's soine. Every sachet of 100g contains more than 400mg of clear and unpolluted calcium which can be easily absorbed into our membrane cell, high in bio availability. International standard ratio 2:3 for calcium and phosphate. Rich in proteins, amino acids, Vitamins and micro elements.100% pure doesn't contain preservatives, and it is tasty. High complex calcium supplement.
Take one sachet 1-2 times a day mix with warm water 60 degree C - 70 degree C or with other food.
Also know as blue algae, derived from sea weeds.
Nutritional Contents Spirulina.
It is the best product consisting of protein equivalent to 60%-70%of protein derived from meat and vegetables. it is the best protein free of cholesterol which is very easily digestible. It is very easily digestible. I am rich in essential vitamins, Abundant potassium, sodium, calcium and other alkaline elements.
Contains Linolenic acid which is seldom found in other natural food high effective in enhancing physiological function. Chlorophyll contents is 10 time higher than vegetables. Regulates body metabolism, purifies blood, enhance the body capability in protecting against oxygen deficiency radiation and others. Contains more than 10 types of minor elements which are essential for the body such as iron Magnesium, sulphur, calcium, and others, Contains special nanatural coloring substance such as phycocyanin. Helps to purify blood, replenishes blood supply, overcome anemia and constipation, promotes healing of wound, regulates body metabolism, detoxification and restores kidney functions. Contains Glycogen, capable of generating energy for the body rapidly with out causing any additional burden to pancreas and result in low blood glucose level.Highly effective in fighting against radiation and provides strength to the body’s immunity.
Promotes body metabolism Helps growth of body strengthen the immune system. Prevents digestive disorders such as gastric upset, poor digestion, high blood pressure, diabetics, liver, ailment, anemia, obesity and malnutrition in children. Can also be used externally in the “Green Therapy” for beautification
Take 2 capsules 2 times daily.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
30gm *15Sachet
For Nourishment of Body And Mind.
Made from pure phyto-cereals and superior cordyceps sinensis ingredient. Provides full nourishment to our body it contains more then 10types of beans and other natural foods. It has good taste and low calories. It enhances metabolism in the body gives nourishment to the brain and lengthens our life. it strengthens function of all the vital organs of the body and is a very necessary product to have a complete good health. It enhance the immune system, provides better blood circulation and stabilizes our digestive system and finally in this way brightens our brain and skin complexion. It contains chong cao which
Provides strength to liver. And kidneys and in this way maintains our health and finally our life. One sachet of it daily supports our health and stabilizes.
It is most ideal nutritional drinks children, teenagers, vegetarian all adults.
Cordyceps sunniness, coerce rice plantule (plumule), malt essences, corn, soybean, green beans, red beans, black beans, sesame, lotus seed, psyllium husk etc.
Take 1 sachet everyday with warm or mix other beverages.30g*15sachets.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
Angiocardiopathy No.1 killer in big cities. There more than 17 million people died from angiocardiology in china, during every 10 seconds, there is one person died from angiocardiology.
Root of red rooted slvia, polygini multiflori, hawkthorn.
To adjust the content of lipid.
To omprove cardiovascular diseases.
To reduce blood thickening, to restrain platelet adhesion.
To improve metabolism to maintain blood pressure.
Anti oxidation, to delay co senescence
”ThreeHigh” people (lipid/sugar/cholestrol) High Blood Pressure. Lack of myocardial blood supply and coronary heart disease sufferers. Those who have eaten high fat and high protein meal for a long time. The middle aged people and the aged people who are over 40.
Use two capsules twice a day with warm water.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
What is Zinc?
For promotin of healthy growth especially in children, eye sight power and improvement of hearing ability. Zinc help in the synthesis of more than 80 enzymes in our body. It made the foundation of the growth of our body. It maintains genetic immunity, encodocrine system, nerves and nervous system. Deficiency of zinc causes imbalance in our body like malnutrition, loss of memory, movement disorders, senile dementia, male infertility, quality and quantity of sperms and also affects the development overprotective glands. Helps in growth and development of cells. Those children who have deficiency of zinc faces many development of problems like poor growth and dwarfism. Not only related to maintain the development of body systems, but also to our intelligence level as well as strengthens our immune system and helps in development of eye sight.
Each Sachet contains 13.3% zinc plus powder, 3.3% pligosaccharide, 3.4% creamer, 6.7% vanillin powder, 50% honey powder, 23.3% glucose.
2 times daily 3-10 years old: 1 sachet each time.
Abive 10 years: 2 sachets each time. Take with warm water or food stuff.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
Ingredients: Radix rehmaniae, radix angelice sinenses, radix Paeoniea, flos carthami, semem persicae, Radix bupliuri, rhizome chuanxiong, VC, VE
Adjust metabolism and improve whole bods’ tiny cycle, makes your skin beautiful from inside to outside.
People with chloasmas (dark brown patches) on the skin.
People with dull and inelastic skin.
People with coloured spots and pigmentation on the skin.
People with weak physiques, or sallow skin.
Three capsules morning evening with warm water store at cool & dry place.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
Extracted from plants concentrated with soluble plants fiber extracts. Promotes digestion and increase bowel movements protects from constipation and hemorrhoids promotes health of children and elder by protecting from diseases. Improves blood circulation, prevents cardio vascular disease, reduces fats, protects intestines from harmful substance. Promotes smoother complexion and acts as an energy provider. Eliminates unwanted substances which are toxic to the body usually stuck on the walls of large intestines and largely reduces harmful viruses inside them. Prevent bad mouth odor
Fructose-psyllium husk-soluble Fiber-Orange Flavour-Citric acid anhydrous L-Sporogenes-Mineral compound Vitamin Sunset yellow compound
Mix 1 sachet of product into a glass of cold water. Stir well and serve immediately
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
It is a herbal drink having delicious taste. It is beneficial for preventing disease by acting as a cleaner, regulating and nourishing the internal body system. The products is free from any preservatives and sweeteners. It is best for maintaining youthful looks radiant complexion and rejuvenation. Skin, aging, pimples, acne which all result due to imbalance of harmones, poor diet or improper rest.
Tiens Health drink contains natural ingredients that are best for youthful and more radiant complexion it helps to reduce hotness in body. Eases faces excretion and helps to prevent various skin diseases its long term use enable to regain youthfulness, retain younger looking skin and have a more radiant complexion. Now a days skin problems are very common. Mayfairer is very useful in excreting toxic substances and maintaining endocrine system of our body it is the best product for maintaining our youthful life and providing an excellent glamour to our skin.
American ginseng, Tremella fuciformis, Pearl powder, adenofora axilliflora, lonicera japonicea, japonica, genitiana scabra, hetrophyllus sweet.
Twice daily 1 Sachet at a time to be mixed with cold water.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
Chitosan is derived from crustaceans such as prawn and crabs, tortoise etc. So chitin is the main constituent in it. It reduces cholesterol level Saves blood vessels, Purifies kidney. It protects cardiovascular system. It excretes toxic heavy metals from the body, It contains 80 % deacyetyle acid.
It is useful for every age group especially middle and older age group. It provides energy to the cells. It enhances energy in the body by providing power so it reduces the anxiety level. It also acts as an anti-aging. It increases immune system, slows down aging, protects from disease s speeds up recoperating processes and regulates body’s physiological Functions. It has Amino Acids which regulates the working capacity of our body.
It protects body from lipids by reducing its absorption from gut. It absorbs and eliminates cholesterol, promotes the conversion of cholesterol from LDL to HDL which is less harmful. It protects our cardio vascular system.
Reduces quantity of cholesterol and triglycerides. Consists of high density lipoprotein which combines chlorine, main cause of high blood pressure by eliminating it prevents all disease that arise from high blood pressure.
Chitin absorbs the toxic substances in the body so in this way it provides strength to liver.
Chitin polysaccharide increases PH level which in turn increases the secretion and usage of insulin, which reduces blood glucose level of diabetics. So in this way it improves Diabetic condition.
Reduces harmful cholesterol, prevents its accumulation within blood vessels that hinders blood flow within body. Increases the production of good cholesterol which is harmless with Liver.
It is a rich sources for fiber as it is derived from crust of curb. Absorbs fat and sugar, it contains positives ions within salt and in this way eliminates them from body. It keeps the blood pressure under normal level.
Absorbs and eliminates heavy metals from body with its positive ions. Reduces the accumulation of heavy metals with in the body and helps maintaining a balanced electrolytes with in the body for good health.
Enhance the antibacterial ability of the bacteria and immense the population of growth.
100 Capsules
Each capsule contains:
Chitosan (powder) 350mg. Use as a food supplement.
Take 2 capsules 2 timesdaily with warm water. Keep out of reach of children. Keep in cool and dry place.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
ANTILIP TEA (Cardio tea)
By using natural ingredients, something maintaining good health in an excellent way has been produced. Extracted from plants like green tea, gynostemma pentaphgilum, Cassia obtusifolia, Nelumbo Nucifera garth and polugonum multiflorum. It helps in reduction of cholesterol from our body, reduces heat intolerance.
It has bitter taste but its cool and non toxic. Usually it is used to reduced inflammation, swelling, cough both dry and expectorant. It has 84 types of sapronin from which 10 are same as Ginseng Sapronin. It helps in providing energy reducing aging effects and give support to our immune system.
Knows as the “Second Ginseng”
It strengthens our Metabolic system and so help in decreasing our cholesterol level. It inhabits the synthesis of fatty acids and decrease Triglycerides from blood and so protect us from many diseases of Coronary arteries (like angina, MI and many others)
It is rich in calcium, Vitamins-A, Rhein, Emodin and other micro elements like copper, Zinc, Salanium and other. Long term fat deposition in our body causes many diseases like MI, stroke and other coronary artery etc. It provides good movements so in this way it reduces the deposition of fats.
It is an excellent detoxifier and not only this it also relieves pains and enhance bowel movements. It is rich in Lecithin which protect from Hypercholestrolemia, arteriosclerosis, and also athrosclerosis. It enhance volume of blood flow through arteries. It maintains heart rate, reduces Tachycardia.
It contains caffeine, theophylline and others. It strengthens Cardiovascular System, Anti aging, Strengthens Immune System, Improve blood circulation and provides energy to our body. Reduce cholesterol and prevents arteriosclerosis.
2 tea bags each time twice a day immense in hot water for 10 minutes. Can be taken continuously.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
How to purchase? Go to your nearest TIENS stockiest, give them this sponsor ID 97360306 and Name Ghulam Murtaza. Remember without sponsor Id you can't get the TIENS products.
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